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It has similar conditions like hotels, this house located in a quiet rural zone, out of noise, you can enjoy a layover with family and friends.
Special house, independent and huge, located in quiet Trinidad zone. The most remarquable is the beautiful and charming backyard with its trees, special for private meetings between family and friends.
The owners help guests in all excursion demarche, where they recommend the best touristic guides and options to enjoy the Ville visit.
Accommodation has a ceramic atelier, where its works the pottery, you can appreciate the artistic creations of a potter consummate. Also clients can get typical artisan pieces and if you wish, it is possible to take some free lessons of pottery. Note; Actually is #2 in TripAdvisor.
Accommodation is located very close to all the touristic attractions. The owner is graduated from Tourism School and prepares delicious Cuban and international dishes.
Prado Hostal has a garage included in the price. It is located in a quiet zone of Trinidad city and with easy access to different city points.
Accommodation is located in front of City Conservator house in a quiet neighborhood of the Ville. Telephone service is able to guests to free call just for local calling or to contact their next destination.
All the furnishers has been refurbished by the current owner, also the house was the first carpentry in Trinidad city, created by the owner parents.
Its owners, they are persons very improved, very able all time for client’s needs.
Very different from other houses is that they speak several languages. It is very independent, surrounded by a dense vegetation, there is a classic luxury car, an inner parking site for 4 cars.
Accommodation has beautiful roof terrace in 2nd and 3rd level, which one are for exclusive use for guests, where you have a beautiful Cityscape views with its architectural shapes.
There are beautiful bedrooms with independent entrances, a nice terrace with a Cityscape views.They offer a welcome free cocktail, they offer too an exceptional and personalized treatment.